On the Go Bag Free Knitting Pattern

This Japanese Knot style bag is very useful for knitting on the go. Wear it over your wrist and you can knit while standing in line. It’s a great way to hold your yarn when knitting in the car, on a boat, on a train or subway, in a plane, on stadium bleachers, in a beach chair, sitting around a campfire, in a movie theater, at a doctor visit, and anywhere else where you don’t want your yarn to fall on the floor/ground and roll around.  Tote bags come in handy for a plethora of reasons. From bringing in the groceries, carrying extra books for school, serving as an extra diaper bag or just keeping at the clutter at bag in the car. Pack it with a simple project and hang it on your door knob, and you’ll be ready to grab it as you go out the door. You need never be without knitting again.

You may love more: Japanese Knot Bag Free Knitting Patterns

On the Go Bag Free Knitting Pattern

Click the link below to get the FREE knitting pattern:

On the Go Bag by ADK- Deb

On the Go Bag Free Knitting Pattern

Click the link below to get the FREE knitting pattern(IMAGE):

On the Go Bag by ADK- Deb